“River dusk” translated into French on Tempslibres.org :)

river dusk
the lightness
of your ashes

crépuscule sur la rivière
la légèreté
de tes cendres

Originally published in English in the Poetry Pea Journal of Haiku and Senryu (Autumn 2020 edition). French translation by Serge Tome.

Free on Smashwords: Orb of Ariadne (Witch Doctors Inc #2)

Lily must call upon a terrible power to defeat an enemy from her past. Will her soul survive the battle?

Welcome to Witch Doctors Inc. Got a problem? We’ll solve it. Warts? Easy. Got an enemy after you? We’ll find ’em. Been cursed? Have one of our glittering elixirs.
As for that dark energy pulsing in the atmosphere? Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.
We’ve got all the excitement over here. There’s a teen celebrity being stalked by aliens, an ancient demon with a thirst for death, and one witch who just wants revenge.
So hurry up and make your appointments, because those spaces are going fast.

Excited to announce that Witch Doctors Inc II: Orb of Ariadne is now available as a free read on Smashwords. There’s the option of downloading the Kindle version, PDF version, EPUB, or reading online (plus a couple of others). So if you enjoy YA fantasy that is fun, dark and witchy, feel free to go have a read 🙂

Cover Reveal: Orb of Ariadne (Witch Doctors Inc #2)

I’m very excited to share the cover for my upcoming novella Orb of Ariadne (Witch Doctors Inc #2). It was designed by BRoseDesignz.

The Witch Doctors Inc series is a YA fantasy about a witch struggling against her destiny. She must solve the mysteries of today while confronting the demons of her past. It’s sort of a Harry Potter meets Sailor Moon story. If you like magic, mystery and a little humour, you might want to check it out. If you haven’t read the first novella in the series, The Awakening, you can read it for free at:

Smashwords (including Kindle version)
Apple Books (Ipad)
Barnes and Noble (Nook)

Orb of Ariadne will also be free and available at the above retailers, and more. Keep your eyes peeled 🙂

Update 12/2/21

It’s been a beautiful summer. As it comes to an end, it feels like 2021 is about to start for real. I hope it’ll be a year filled with creativity.

I haven’t been very productive on the haiku front lately, but I did receive some lovely news: one of my haiku was chosen to be included in the 2020 Red Moon Anthology Jar of Rain. I’m very honoured to have been selected.

My flash fiction collection on Channillo The Moon is Crying is now complete. I had a lot of fun working on this. Hopefully I’ll get to raise some money for the SPCA through it.

The cover for the first Witch Doctors Inc novella, The Awakening, has been animated by Morgan Wright. Morgan’s animations are fantastic, and it’s always a pleasure to work with her. I can’t share videos under my current WordPress plan, but here’s a link to the animation on my Twitter timeline if you’d like to see it: https://twitter.com/CavesAuthor/status/1359699430945943553

I’m currently working on the second installment of the Witch Doctors Inc series, Orb of Ariadne. Like the first, it will be free to read on Smashwords, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and various other retailers. I’m excited to share the cover with everyone, but I’m forcing myself to make more progress on the story first. You’ll hear more about this soon 🙂

Happy 2021 everyone – I hope it proves to be a smashing success 🙂

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)